
Scale and polish (cleaning)

Cleaning/removal of plaque and calculus every 6 months is very important to avoid bleeding gums( Gingivitis) and other gum infections


Cavities caused by caries and fructured teeth have to be restored to normal for aesthetic and functional purposes.

Soft tissue surgicals

During our bi-annual consultations, its of importance for the Doctor to always do a comprehensive clinical soft tissue examination, to avoid growth of cancerous lesions and other soft tissue lessions that might develop.

Root canal treatment

To make sure we keep the tooth structure in an event where the carious infection is all the way to the pulp, removal of nerves and blood supply of the tooth is necessary to relief pain and sepsis.

IMF treatment

During accidents or trauma the madible or maxilla could be fructured, inter-maxillary fixation is necessary to bring bones together for healing of the fructure line, which occurs in 6-8 weeks.

Weight loss wires

Loosing weight through wires is effective but needs someone who is very disciplined to mantain the weight loss throughout.

Orthodontic treament

Ortho treatment is vital for fixing crooked teeth, straightening and placing ectopic teeth to their correct position.

crown and bridge work

Aesthetic crowns are important to bring a beautiful smile, correct colour and bring about the best results to enhance a beautiful smile and function.


Rehabilitation of lost teeth is important to regain function and dentures are the cheapest option to achieve that.

Extraction and surgical extraction impacted and fructured teeth)

Extractions are imperative in cases where the tooth causes infection and its beyond repair, to avoid pain and sepsis, impacted teeth and fractured teeth also need to be removed when they cause sepsis and surgical intervention is necessary to relief pain and sepsis.